mardi 17 mai 2016

Go to your broken heart

Dimanche dernier, dernier jour du très beau et inspirant 10e Fiestival Maelström, Jack Hirschmann a dit ce poème. Il ne faut pas que ces mots se perdent...

by Jack Hirschman

Go to your broken heart. If you think you don’t have one, get one.
To get one, be sincere.
Learn sincerity of intent by letting
life enter because you’re helpless, really,
to do otherwise.
Even as you try escaping, let it take you
and tear you open
like a letter sent
like a sentence inside
you’ve waited for all your life
though you’ve committed nothing.
Let it send you up.
Let it break you, heart.
Broken-heartedness is the beginning
of all real reception.
The ear of humility hears beyond the gates.
See the gates opening.
Feel your hands going akimbo on your hips,
your mouth opening like a womb
giving birth to your voice for the first time.
Go singing whirling into the glory
of being ecstatically simple.
Write the poem.